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 Atypical Myopathy in 5 questions - University of Liège

Atypical Myopathy in 5 questions - University of Liège

Rédigé le 05/04/2021

Pommier has been investing since 2018 in a research partnership on Atypical Myopathy, a grazing disease.

FAQ on Atypical Myopathy

Find out the progress of Atypical Myopathy research, in the article of the University of Liège written by Votion D-M., François A-C., Kruse C., Renaud R., Farinelle A., Bouquieaux M-C., Marcillaud-Pitel C., Gustin P.

Atypical Myopathy in 5 questions

  1. Which maples are toxic ? Is this tree a maple and if so, is it toxic ?
  2. How can Atypical Myoptahy (AM) be prevented (at pasture level) ?
  3. How can AM be prevented (at horse level) ?
  4. Our pasture is surrounded by sycamore maple trees, but no case of am ever occured in our grazing horses. Does this mean the pasture is safe for our animals ?
  5. When does the risk of AM start and stop in autumn and spring ?

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